Group Coaching

with Kirsten


You make a lot of decisions every day. (A LOT.)

You might even be facing a big life choice right now.

Whatever the stakes, however complicated, here’s what we know.

When you feel in charge of your choices, you feel in charge of your life.

When you don’t feel totally in charge, your confidence gets shaky, commitment wobbles, and your brain can become one of the noisiest places on the planet.

The DMP is where you’ll grow your Decision Mastery and own your full authority — in choices big and small.

You’re in the right place if you want to:

  • Be clear & unapologetic about what you want

  • Own (and like) how you’re spending your time and energy

  • Feel more present, grounded and dare-I-say joyful in your daily life

From the old way to the intentional way

Up until now, you’ve made decisions based on a system that’s developed on its own, over the last several decades.

That “old way” of decision-making has more people-pleasing, perfectionism and/or procrastination than you’d prefer.

Maybe you’re spending a little too much time on decisions. (Or, ok, maybe way too much time.)

Or you’re an overthinker and it’s exhausting.

Or you’re facing a big decision and don’t know how to navigate it while you keep the rest of your plates spinning.

If your hand is raised right now, you belong here.

Welcome to the Decision Masters Program.

Your Next Chapter

What if you could be done with the old way and start a new chapter?

One where you:

  • Are deeply in touch with who you are and what you want

  • Don’t get so stuck in option paralysis or FOPO (fear of people’s opinions)

  • Feel equipped to handle surprises, challenges and big decisions

  • Stop catastrophizing, spinning out, and doubting yourself so much

  • Know why you’re making the decisions you are (and feel good about ‘em)


This program is for people who want to make a guarantee to themselves: 3 months from now, life will look and feel different.

You'll feel intentional and clear in your decisions, move the needle on what matters, and get professional guidance and accountability to make it easy.

Join the Waitlist

The Decision Masters Program is currently in process.

The next 3-month program begins Fall 2024!

from our clients...

"This has completely rewired how I approach my life! I went from feeling like I had a million open tabs in my brain to some quality of order that works for me. I know it's grounded in science, but Kirsten makes it feel like magic. Slack was my home base. Every time I felt like I had a few too many open tabs, I looked at Slack and Kirsten jumps out of the app with incredible timely and very on point replies. . .it’s like having her in your pocket!"

—Serena F.

Decisions are your superpower.

Your Path to Decision Mastery

Over 3 months, you’ll strengthen skills in the three fundamental areas of Decision Mastery: Clarity, Self-Regulation and Self-Trust.

You’ll learn how to answer the question “What do I want” and completely trust your answer.

How to physiologically process stress, improve your emotional baseline, and set your life up to have less overwhelm.

And how to stay on your own team, even if you’ve had decades of practice being overly self-critical.

With consistent practice and easy-to-implement-in-your-real-life tools, you’ll find what works best for you to feel and operate your best.

Kick-Off Week

Week 1 starts strong, with four daily targeted group sessions that explore different aspects of your decision-making. You’ll tune into your strengths and uncover hidden beliefs. You’ll feel immediate shifts in your energy and focus, and you’ll set lasting change into motion.

Weekly Group Coaching Sessions

Watching others get coached will help you a) know you’re not alone in your experience (thank goodness), and b) hear things you might not be able to hear from deep inside your own situation. We’ll also cover key skills & concepts in these sessions, to fill up your tool kit!

Private Coaching Sessions

To kick off the program, we’ll meet 1-on-1 to clarify your Vision, Goals and Core Values for the quarter ahead. You’ll feel rooted in yourself and clear on what you’re working towards. We’ll use future sessions to explore and coach on whatever you need!

Community & Coaching via Slack

Need extra accountability? Love celebrating accomplishments and having people cheer back? Does the idea of having support and guidance in your back pocket sound like it’ll make Q1 so much easier? I’ve got you. We’ll keep in touch as a group and privately on Slack, so you can share wins and ask for coaching literally any time.

Decision Mastery Tools and Resources

You’ll get science-backed training in multiple areas that impact and involve decision-making: Stress Regulation, Mindfulness, Leadership, Communication, Time Management, Focus, Self-Compassion, Motivation, Neuroscience (and more)!

We’ll do live workshops to address timely growth areas for the group, plus you’ll have access to a Workshop Library with on-demand resources, so you can get exactly what you need and focus on different tools and practices at the right time for you.

Here’s how we do it

Program Details

This is a 3-month online program

Private and group coaching via Zoom and Slack

Investment is $2000 (or 4 payments of $500)

from our clients...

"Whether I can join live, or listen to the replay, I find the group calls SO valuable. It turns out "humaning" is super similar for all of us humans! The calls always begin with an open platform to share our WINS. It's such a delicious experience to help celebrate others' victories and know that everyone there is genuinely joyous for my own achievements, no matter how "small" they might seem.

In the second half of the call, I learn a lot about myself hearing other people discuss what they need coaching on. No matter how different we all are, there are always parallels in what we're going through or working on in our lives." 

Reilly D.

“This is one of the best things I've ever done for myself, my career, my relationships--everything.

It's incredible career and mindset coaching without any "self-helpiness" or any advice giving. Kirsten has helped me to make my own decisions and find my own best ways forward, because no one knows me like me.

Specifically, I've dialed in small practices like a Daily Check In that gives me clarity for my goals each day; over time that has added up to me starting my own business and changing my career.

I have learned how to use fear as excitement and motivation, to rein in overwhelm, and to approach challenges from an abundance mindset. I cannot recommend it enough!”

Kelsea L.

“I've collected tools to help me on my day-to-day humaning journey with more self-compassion and enjoyment. The 10-Day Challenge was a great one – with your support and the framework of the program in general, I was able to set a boundary around my sleep habits.

Going through this with a coach and seeing the results helped me gather the information that will help me to set boundaries in other areas of life. Life is just easier and much more straightforward when you have someone to bounce ideas off, vent, etc, and get back really useful insights that I normally wouldn't see or acknowledge as valid.”

Diana H.

Hi, i’m Kirsten

Before becoming a Decision Coach, I used my Yale Master's Degree to fuel a 10-plus year career in Theater Stage Management. 

Making good, fast decisions was my day job — but it wasn't my forte in everyday life. As I got further down that career path, I got more uncertain about my choices. They were never as easy or straightforward as I knew they could be — and I got tired of not feeling in charge or self-directed enough, despite continued success!

So I switched gears and decided to make everyday decision-making my new Zone of Genius, for myself and for the oh-so-many high-achieving clients who had similar struggles. I specialize in helping people organize their thoughts, hear themselves clearly and take action on what they really want. If you want to feel great about your choices, I'm here to tell you: You deserve to, and it's totally possible.


Don't wait until you're 60 to "finally change things." You deserve this now. And it won't be as hard as spending the next decade or two settling for less!

Client Spotlight: Kirsten P.

If we over-index on what other people are thinking, we don't end up making the best decision, because we're making a decision out of fear and worry – I don't do that anymore. I make the best decisions because I'm not worried about what every single other person in my life is going to think about the decision. That has been so freeing. 

I am much more calm as a person. I feel much more confident. Collected. I feel like decisions don't take up 90% of my brain anymore. 

Kirsten's coaching was so organized and so well structured, and there was always learning along with it. I think as a kind of Type A personality, I always appreciated that.

So as a recovering overthinker, when it comes to decision-making, I am so, so pleased with what's happened in the last three months. I feel like it's three years of professional development condensed down into three months of just this glowing, beautiful gift that I received.

— Kirsten J. Parker

Client Spotlight: Andy G.

The decision-making process has been simplified! Andy felt like he struggled with decisions his whole life: "There were so many different shiny objects and ideas that I'm interested in...I knew that was clogging the system. That I was making it harder on myself."

But within weeks of joining the DMP, he created an LLC, chose a logo, made a website and established a voiceover career! Coaching helped him prioritize himself and get out of "not knowing what to do or what to say yes/no to" and "focus on what matters rather than wasting energy on the in-between angst feeling."

— Andy Greene


  • This program is best for the person who:

    >> Wants community in addition to personalized coaching and individual attention

    >> Enjoys structure (like a weekly call to keep you on track and targeted lessons to beef up your inner tool kit)

    >> Enjoys flexibility (like the option to ask for coaching 24/7 on Slack and book Private Sessions around your own schedule)

    >> Is excited to prioritize themselves even if they’re nervous about it

  • Short answer: If you have time for the British Baking Show or a weekly happy hour, you have time for the DMP!

    We’ll meet weekly as a group for one hour.

    Attendance at these sessions is of course optional, but I want you to get what you came for, so I’d advise coming to all that your schedule allows. Missing a few sessions will not prevent you from getting full value from this program.

    Your 4 Private Sessions and all the coaching we do on Slack happens when it’s best for you.

  • If you’re really interested in the community aspect of the program, you can still absolutely join, watch the Group Session recordings, and be active in the Slack community. (This has worked for people in the past!)

    If you’re not eager for community right now, Private Coaching may be better suited for you. We can discuss this on the consult.

  • The investment for the 3-month program is $2000.

    Payment plan option: 4 pmts of $500

    Note for employees: Clients have asked their companies to provide Professional Development funds to help cover the program costs.

    Note to self-employed: This is Professional Development that is (for most people) a tax-deductible business expense.

  • In the DMP you get:

    >> 4-Day Kick-Off Week

    >> 4 60-min Private Coaching Sessions

    >> Weekly 60-minute Group Sessions (with a mix of teaching tools & live coaching)

    >> Private and Group Coaching via Slack

    >> 2 Live Workshops

    >> Online Workshop Library

    >> Decision Masters Workbook + Journal

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